Saturday, July 26, 2008

Super Secret TOSd People? Adieu.

I got invited to a "Super Secret Society of those whom Yelp TOSd out on their asses". What a thrill, what a joy, what an honor, what a bunch of utter bullshit.
While, as on any internet social network, there a few interesting people, most of them had the collective mental age of about 13, at best. People who actually think replying with the word "queef" to a thread, mind you - only the word "queef" - is the height of sophistication. How cutting edge, how pithy, how hep, how urbane... how pitiable.
You may think you're some kind of "Algonquin Round Table", but your just sitting at the children's table hoping for approval and attention. Ah. Dorothy Parker lives and breaths. Not.
And for a site that so hates Yelp? You seem to have no idea that you basically ARE Yelp. But in diapers. So suck on the bottle babies. Nurse your wounds or your tit of choice. But to you, I say, fuck off and die.

Solipsistic idiots are easy to find. Why would I want to be a member of that club?



1 comment:

Alpha Bitch63 said...

Really? "Queef" was a response on a thread?? Hmmm. The word does nothing for me, but, the action-heelarious!
As for me, I have no aspirations to bring anything to anyone that will not happen of its own accord.Life goes on,even if you are not present to witness it.I prefer to place my energies where they will have the best and most impact-in my own life. After all, living well is the best revenge!
To all those other TOS'd well, live above the snark and elevate yourselves to a higher purpose. You will never fix the site or "get even". Fix yourself and find happiness within yourselves, not a site.