Here's "People Ain't No Good." I would like to dedicate it to several Yelpers. You know who you are. And to the girl who is piggy-backing on my posts to beef up her blog? You have got to be kidding me. You hate me and then you use me for your own purpose? What bloody nerve you have. Shameless. Do it again. I dare you. You're not going to enjoy it when I get angry. That's a promise from Max. And Max keeps her promises. So.... just... don't.
Beautiful song for crappy things that people do. Like butterflies on horseshit-do the best you can with what you have and maybe, in spite of all the odds, you may just find yourself in a better place.
Let me explain the butterflies on horseshit analogy.I took a picture while on vaction of some very beautiful butterflies. We were hiking and saw tons of these gorgeous butterflies lighting on something on the trail ahead of us. As we got closer,it became very clear that these beautiful creatures were landing on many piles of horse shit...and looked to be spending considerable time on these piles of road apples. Not sure what they got out of it, but they were very attracted to it. I'll have to find the picture and post it. Made us laugh and think.
Oddly enough - sometimes it's just horseshit. Without the beautiful butterflies. But... we learn from all. All of it.
Just so you know ... that little widget on my blog is from my RSS feed. Your blog is on my google reader, so all the things I'm reading in my RSS show up in that little widget. You're not actually anywhere on my site. The moment something else pops up, you're knocked off. So I guess I won't be peeking at your blog anymore. But if you had a problem with the RSS widget, you could have just said something.
A beautiful song it is. What a treat to see this brilliant man's face and music on your blog.
He got into a cab right in front of me last year. I think my heart actually skipped a couple of beats.
I've always found this song particularly touching.
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