When Jeremy doesn't like you? He can make you disappear.
Where did Max go? Her account has been closed....
Category: Yelper Shout-Outs
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Elite '08
04/16/2008 Lindley "The whiter the bread, the sooner you're dead" E. says:Max, o max, are you in purgatory? Does it hurt?pulling out the Ouija Board now....
04/16/2008 Patty V. says:She has been rubbed out....
Elite '08
04/16/2008 Mike "Howler Monkey" O. says:One of the most prolific and interesting people too. Shame to see her go.
04/16/2008 R.T. S. says:Did they kick Sylvia off? One of the other trolls? Noooooo. Stupid yelp.
Elite '08
04/16/2008 Chaviva "A Sexy, Sexy Jewess!" E. says:I trust that the Yelp gods have made a well-thought-out decision, and like people have said in the past, this is a business.
04/16/2008 Koizumi "Iron Butterfly" Y. says:Do you generally trust corporations to do the right thing, Chaviva? Or do you have a heightened affinity for Yelp corporate? I realise this topic is about Max, but your comment sparked my general curiosity beyond that subject.
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Where did Max go? Her account has been closed....
Category: Yelper Shout-Outs
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Elite '08
04/16/2008 Lindley "The whiter the bread, the sooner you're dead" E. says:Max, o max, are you in purgatory? Does it hurt?pulling out the Ouija Board now....
04/16/2008 Patty V. says:She has been rubbed out....
Elite '08
04/16/2008 Mike "Howler Monkey" O. says:One of the most prolific and interesting people too. Shame to see her go.
04/16/2008 R.T. S. says:Did they kick Sylvia off? One of the other trolls? Noooooo. Stupid yelp.
Elite '08
04/16/2008 Chaviva "A Sexy, Sexy Jewess!" E. says:I trust that the Yelp gods have made a well-thought-out decision, and like people have said in the past, this is a business.
04/16/2008 Koizumi "Iron Butterfly" Y. says:Do you generally trust corporations to do the right thing, Chaviva? Or do you have a heightened affinity for Yelp corporate? I realise this topic is about Max, but your comment sparked my general curiosity beyond that subject.
This is what it looked like before HQ took the scissors to it. Nice job! Didn't anyone get the memo that facisim and blacklisting is SO 1950s?
Where did Max go? Her account has been closed....
Category: Yelper Shout-Outs
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Elite '08
9 hours ago Lindley "The whiter the bread, the sooner you're dead" E. says:Max, o max, are you in purgatory? Does it hurt?pulling out the Ouija Board now....
9 hours ago Mandi G. says:All that written genius wit lost forever?!?!?Say it ain't so, Max.
Elite '08
9 hours ago Erica A. says:Weird.
Elite '08
9 hours ago Rocky "Bringing Sexy Back" B. says::(
9 hours ago Rosie V. says:I'm gonna kill her. We just talked about this
Elite '08
9 hours ago Rob "It's Good to be the King!" L. says:Nope SF closed it.. she never asked for it to be done...
Elite '08
9 hours ago MaryAnne "Max B" M. says:She and I spoke about it this morning too. She said it was pending....Yes, it's a loss.
Elite '08
9 hours ago danielle C. says:It is a loss. A huge one.For what?
Elite '08
9 hours ago Lindley "The whiter the bread, the sooner you're dead" E. says:see the other thread. Andrea said it was a violation of TOS.
9 hours ago Mandi G. says:What other thread?
Elite '08
9 hours ago Carol J. says:So one gets d'elited and the other deleted? Not fair, given the circumstance.
Elite '08
9 hours ago Lindley "The whiter the bread, the sooner you're dead" E. says:the max love thread.yep. doesn't make sense.
Elite '08
9 hours ago Lindley "The whiter the bread, the sooner you're dead" E. says:http://www.yelp.com/redir?url=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.yelp.com%2Ftopic%2Fchicago-max-power-love-thread
Elite '08
9 hours ago danielle C. says:So, someone help me here. If I am getting flagged, am I notified? I just want to know. If a chunck of yelp decides that someone is not fit to be on for whatever reason-and flags their profile- they go away?Unclear on the concepts
9 hours ago Mandi G. says:I know life isn't fair, but that is beyond ridiculous.Send a girl a warning, don't just erase hours upon hours of work a person did towards your site for free.
9 hours ago Koizumi "Iron Butterfly" Y. says:She probably lost it - and understandably so - when she felt little would be done to deal with the person who'd insulted her, then rubbed her face in it. That she openly challenged leadership was probably another thing. Yelp seems to punish this more swiftly, even if other offences are more egregious. That would be my guess anyhow.
9 hours ago Katarina "I am Max Power" X. says:I find it disgusting that it is apparently okay to attack someone, send hate mail AND threaten now? But Max gets removed? For what, a playboy review? Sylvia attacked Max, not the other way around and I believe the way yelp is handling it to be despicable. Shame on you yelp.
Elite '08
9 hours ago Linda "We Miss Max!!!" P. says:I'm sad :(.It's a shame that people on here can be harassed by fellow Yelpers, yet get their account closed when they try to deal with it.She will be missed!
9 hours ago mary e. says:Wow! I'm with you guys on this. She was so prolific with her reviews. How can they just close her account like that? Why would they just close her account?Hopefully she'll be back. She was a cool lady!
9 hours ago Katarina "I am Max Power" X. says:Email feedback@yelp.com to let them know how you feel. I did.
Elite '08
9 hours ago Chaviva "A UConn Huskie" E. says:I'm thinking the loss might also have had something to do with multiple accounts by Max in different names. But that's just something a birdy might have whispered my way.Like I said elsewhere, I trust that the Yelp admins had good reason for doing what they did. It's a business, and life isn't fair. I know you all will miss her, and for that, I am sorry.
Elite '08
9 hours ago Lindley "The whiter the bread, the sooner you're dead" E. says:Hearsay and gossip don't belong here. Whatever little birdies say isn't worth repeating. Chaviva, do you have an axe to grind with Max?
Elite '08
9 hours ago danielle C. says:I have lost my sense of humor tonight. But this- I do know- that was NOT the reason. and I know it for sure.
9 hours ago Princess Nina L. says:other yelpers had/have multiple accounts in different names. they are still around.
9 hours ago R.T. S. says:Multiple accounts?
Elite '08
9 hours ago Craig "Pickup Artist" B. says:Chaviva i disagree with you so much I can't put it into words...
Elite '08
9 hours ago Chaviva "A UConn Huskie" E. says:This isn't a thread about me, it's about Max. All I can tell you is that Max and I didn't get along, and many people know the story. And I'm not the only one. I feel bad for your guys' loss, I really do. I know everyone loved her. I wish I could have experienced that love, but there was too much hate coming from her for me to enjoy it.
9 hours ago Rosie V. says:No, RTS, no multiple accounts. Thanks for playing, though
Elite '08
9 hours ago Jenny "Missing Max" z. says:What Lindley said x10 ~ save the drama for your mama, childish ones.Max getting booted is NUTS. BTW, she only had one account.Good lord, this internet attacking of Max? Do it to her face you cowards. Yelp is going to be a much lamer place without her.
9 hours ago Rosie V. says:Shut up, Chaviva
9 hours ago Katarina "I am Max Power" X. says:I'm with you... as far as I know isn't yelp supposed to monitor for that sort of thing from Abby's let pet puppies and so forth? Suspiciously selective in my opinion.
Elite '08
9 hours ago Patty "No, but thanks for asking" V. says:Max had no need for multiple accounts. She had a VERY valid reason for not using a real photo of herself.She was brutally honest,something that is not always admired in the world.
Elite '08
9 hours ago Lindley "The whiter the bread, the sooner you're dead" E. says:Chaviva, then why introduce your hypothesis about her having multiple accounts?For a thread about Max, don't you feel that repeating hearsay is unproductive?
9 hours ago Patrick B. says:Talk about good crazy/bad crazy...see the show of that title at the Apollo Theater this friday at 8 PM. seriously, Max was a decent person but just because you are popular, doesn't mean that you cannot mess up. And if Yelp admins feel she was wrong, than she was wrong regardless on our opinion. Real People, real reviews. Sincerely,Pat Bateman
Elite '08
9 hours ago Chaviva "A UConn Huskie" E. says:It was a reliable source. Or at least I thought. Anyhow, I'm sorry.
9 hours ago Katarina "I am Max Power" X. says:Not getting along? C'mon people... it's the internet, not high school (for most of us).
9 hours ago Mandi G. says:"but there was too much hate coming from her for me to enjoy it."Most ignorant statement of the week.Max had nothing but love for every single person on this damn site. Sarcasm and hate are two completely different things.
9 hours ago majel "shoplifters of the world unite" e. says:Good one Patrick!The oooooold "real people, real reviews" routine!
Elite '08
8 hours ago Chaviva "A UConn Huskie" E. says:Mandi -- she was not loving and nice toward me. I'm not talking in the public sphere, I'm talking on the private message sphere.
8 hours ago Princess Nina L. says:Max had no need to have multiple accounts. she spoke her mind, she didn't need to hide behind a question mark head to voice her opinion like so many others do on here.
Elite '08
8 hours ago Jenny "Missing Max" z. says:So block her, next time, sheesh.
Elite '08
8 hours ago Craig "Pickup Artist" B. says:Dear Real Person Patrick... since you are not real, I suggest you drop your accout... or shall I contact San Francisco?
Elite '08
8 hours ago Lindley "The whiter the bread, the sooner you're dead" E. says:Unless your information is coming from Yelp HQ, how can anyone be consider a reliable source - especially as regards Max, who was a very private person. She didn't have multiple accounts - she didn't need to. And even if she did, how would anyone know?
8 hours ago Katarina "I am Max Power" X. says:I agree Mandi, Max and I disagreed on many, many a subject, but it wasn't personal! Adult, intelligent discussion are what Talk threads are all about, right then? Don't know WHY yelp can't tolerate that...
8 hours ago Mandi G. says:Chaviva- Then go start a thread about how hateful Max was and leave this thread alone.You are being completely inappropriate.
Elite '08
8 hours ago Rob "It's Good to be the King!" L. says:Mandi, I disagree, I know Max didn't have love for everyone on this site. Many, yes, but not everyone.... but I will miss her on this site, she said a lot of kind words to me and I hope I tried to do the same for her.
Elite '08
8 hours ago Chaviva "A UConn Huskie" E. says:Right. I can't compete with the Max love fest, because she has more friends on here than all of us combined. I'll exit stage left. But I am sincere when I say I feel bad for the community as a whole, because I know that Max created a thriving atmosphere on Yelp. I really do mean that.
Elite '08
8 hours ago Xtie "White & Nerdy" G. says:OK, what REALLY pisses me off is that when they delete her account EVERYTHING she ever wrote on Yelp disappears, INCLUDING PMs! She sent me some pretty great stuff that I'm FURIOUS is gone.
Elite '08
8 hours ago Carol J. says:I'm really bummed about her loss, I just noticed they removed her nice compliments from my profile too. A little overkill. Why would anyone jump on a "love thread" with inuendo,hearsay and private matters? She's not dead and for all we know she could be on this very thread under a "multiple account".
Elite '08
8 hours ago Ellen "isn't pally with the crackers in the alley" M. says:Guys, I enjoyed Max as much as the rest of you. I didn't want her to leave. But can we really say we are surprised to hear that Yelp noticed she frequently violated the TOS? And I cringed more than once at her rough words towards others. I told her so, and she said she appreciated my honesty.But even more, Max wrote me today saying that she was leaving Yelp and left me her email address. So it was just a matter of time anyway.
Elite '08
8 hours ago Patty "No, but thanks for asking" V. says:If she had less than kindness for someone,it was because they drew first blood. I have seen Max give as good as she gets and she is a good egg.
Elite '08
8 hours ago Linda "We Miss Max!!!" P. says:Max was nothing but a sweetheart towards me. I know that she could be a bit abrasive, but that was part of her charm!I really hope that she will be back with a new account.
Elite '08
8 hours ago danielle C. says:I just cannot comment anymore... Sorry all.
Elite '08
8 hours ago Patty "No, but thanks for asking" V. says:Yeah,losing all of her PM's and compliments is a bitch.There were some good ones there....
Elite '08
8 hours ago Linda "We Miss Max!!!" P. says:Losing the PMs and compliments is the saddest of it all :(.
Elite '08
8 hours ago Jenny "Missing Max" z. says:Those, and her reviews. They were AMAZING. Please tell me someone saved her reviews....
Elite '08
8 hours ago MaryAnne "Max B" M. says:This is bullshit, I had PM's from her I need.....
Elite '08
8 hours ago Deanna "borderline feral, probably autistic" M. says:I have Max's e-mail address for those of you who don't have it. I'm not willing to give it out, but if you'd like me to forward your e-mail address to her, feel free to PM me.
Elite '08
8 hours ago Linda "We Miss Max!!!" P. says:I had her email in one of the PMs she sent me. GRRRR @ them being deleted.I think I remember it in my head, if it doesn't work I'll PM you my email Deanna.
Elite '08
8 hours ago Rocky "Bringing Sexy Back" B. says:i think she emailed everyone on her friends list this morning with her email addy. luckily i thought to save it to my gmail right away instead of keeping it on a yelp message.
Elite '08
8 hours ago Sam "Saving My 100th Review" S. says:we should start a petition to bring Max back...
Elite '08
8 hours ago Mesum "Coming soon to store near you" N. says:Well it's sad that we lost someone I respected a lot but not always agreed with her. She was frustrated by how some users are behaving towards her anyways and I would imagine she was getting even more angry by time. Maybe this will help us to take some time off the Yelp and hopefully relax. Once she thinks she is ready to rejoin, I am sure HQ and Chicago mods will not have problems with her join back.Look at cookie monster for example. His account was deleted at least twice and yet he is allowed to not only join but do his usual cry and whine like he was doing before.She is way much smarter than him and I know when she'll return, it'll be all good again.I wish her best luck.
8 hours ago majel "shoplifters of the world unite" e. says:Ooh sneaky! I'm sure she'll be back after a little break. If the nice weather sticks I think we'll all be in better moods!
8 hours ago Katarina "I am Max Power" X. says:Sorry Mesum, not good enough in my opinion (Though I love Cookie too... always makes me laugh).
Elite '08
8 hours ago MaryAnne "Max B" M. says:Also-The next time someone accuses someone else of having fake multiple accounts WITHOUT ANY TANGIBLE EVIDENCE I am going to fucking lose it. Honestly.
8 hours ago Rosie V. says:Mesum, I hope you're not an attorney, because your reverse psychology totally sucksAt this point, everyone is aware that SYLVIA P is still here and is still Elite. No need for the neutral, armchair Switzerland approach
Elite '08
8 hours ago danielle C. says:right with ya mm.
Elite '08
8 hours ago Deanna "borderline feral, probably autistic" M. says:Rosie, Sylvia was d'elited. Not that that's good enough.
Elite '08
8 hours ago Mesum "Coming soon to store near you" N. says:Rosie, not sure if I was looking for your approval.Go apeshit or wish Max the best, your choice. And don't try to make it look that I am trying to defend other user.
8 hours ago Princess Nina L. says:i have no clue who sylvia even is!
Elite '08
8 hours ago Deanna "borderline feral, probably autistic" M. says:Nina, do you really want to know? I think she's gotten enough attention.
8 hours ago Princess Nina L. says:i just found her profile, and i wish i could get that time back.
Elite '08
8 hours ago Jenny "Missing Max" z. says:Well, if people could grow up and learn to a) use their "block" button if they don't want PM's from someone, b) stop taking their personal problems out on strangers on the internet and c) grow up and deal with the fact that they aren't always going to be the most popular person in the world, maybe Max wouldn't have gotten TOS'd. Ridonkulous!
8 hours ago Mandi G. says:"The next time someone accuses someone else of having fake multiple accounts WITHOUT ANY TANGIBLE EVIDENCE I am going to fucking lose it. Honestly."That's why I only accuse people who deserve it and who I have TANGIBLE evidence against. No good to shoot your mouth off when you have no idea what you are talking about.
8 hours ago Rosie V. says:Mesum, stop kissing the ring for one second and re-read what you wrote. Get off meAs for the harrasment from SYLVIA PMax only replied to say "thank you" for the threads started in her honorSo she was ejected why? Until a fat cat or a moderator decides to fill in the public faces/reviewers/volounteeer sales agents that are largely responsible for the success of this site, everyone will continue to, rightfully believe, that this is completely fucked upOh but wait. SYLVIA P has an actual photo. Well, that explains it. She's obviously less expendible
8 hours ago Mandi G. says:Amen to everything Jenny just said.
Elite '08
8 hours ago Erica A. says:"deal with the fact that they aren't always going to be the most popular person in the world"Especially necessary because we're talking about the internet. The internet.
Elite '08
8 hours ago Carol J. says:MaryAnne "Overserved" M. says:"The next time someone accuses someone else of having fake multiple accounts WITHOUT ANY TANGIBLE EVIDENCE I am going to fucking lose it. Honestly."MaryAnne, I just want to clarify that I was joking about the multiple accounts....!
Elite '08
8 hours ago Liz "Bubbles" M. says:Holy crap!!!I just got on....WHAT THE....You're right all her PM's are gone!! She sent me contact info this afternoon and I didn't write it down!!! Damn it!All her compliments too....oh this is wrong. So wrong.
8 hours ago Rosie V. says:Yes, Erica, it's the internet. It's extreme chump change in the grand scheme of thingsHowever, the amount of time that the majority of these users spend on this site, the morphing into a society is not unusual, nor should it be disregarded, given that this is the mode of communication that you will utilize for the rest of your life, as will every generation after you, which gives it credence and reality(the following is not towards Erica A)I really hate when users, mostly Elites post up in here 22 hours out of the day,nearly every day, yet all of a sudden they lay a smack-down on someone, spewing their condescending gospel when they don't like what they're hearing: It's just a website. Get a life. Get off my lawn. Step away from the computer. Blah blah blah"It
8 hours ago Rosie V. says:sucks
Elite '08
8 hours ago Erica A. says:I feel you, Rosie. The internet is an interesting place and how we congregate and treat each other on this website can sometimes be pretty fascinating stuff. Because, after all, we are all "real people" typing these words. It's a collision of opinions, ideas, and personalities.I don't take this website very seriously, though. I am sorry Max got deleted. But I'm still not losing sleep over Yelp.
8 hours ago Katarina "I am Max Power" X. says:Look. yelp brings in a lot of money for the businesses I've had the pleasure to positively experience and review. A lot of money. It is inexcusable that personal attacks are not being reined in my yelp under their own policies. When yelp contacts the business I work for and asks for $$$ to advertise with them, I will let them know this. I advise all of you to do the same. If they can't maintain, the won't gain. feedback@yelp.comDo it.
7 hours ago Astronomer Joe ""Yelp's Handsomely Mustached Astronomer of Ulm"" .. says:Yelp pulled a boner and it stinks all around.Better and more professional ways to have handled it and the loss of the history of Max's pms and other content is abhorrent. I would like to hear Yelp's Administrations side and reasoning on this please.Joe
Elite '08
7 hours ago Rob "It's Good to be the King!" L. says:I am sure things will unfold over the next couple of days, now will the whole truth come out? Probably not, but hopefully those who need answers will get them in a satisfactory manner...
Elite '08
7 hours ago Mik "Where's My Whiskey" W. says:I'm glad I got Max's personal email address yesterday. Whew.
7 hours ago Philip "White Confucius" G. says:Was this a one-strike you're out scenario? Because if it was, you'd think at most they'd simply suspend her, but to delete everything associated with her name? That's just wrong, regardless of one's feelings toward Max. I hope they still have all of her info and allow her to come back after a hiatus or something. I didn't know her and I've only been posting on the talk boards for a few weeks, but she always kept things interesting and had insightful witticisms to share. It seemed like yelp was her home away from home. Harsh...
Elite '08
7 hours ago Vamsi V. says:This is sad, very sad.I don't even know what to say.
Elite '08
7 hours ago Jenny "Missing Max" z. says:Max sends love to all - did anyone save her reviews? She would like to have them. :)
7 hours ago Rosie V. says:Erica, I know it's a website, and I also know you get what I'm alluding to. Believe me when I say, I don't lose sleep over Yelp, although that was a good smooth-overI don't lose sleep, but the unjust nature of her deletion pisses me off. I'm not looking to kiss ass. I'm just telling it like I see it. That's only because I don't care if they get rid of me or not. (unlike many yelp people who liked Max, but just can't step over that line) Free booze rules!
Elite '08
7 hours ago Ellen "isn't pally with the crackers in the alley" M. says:I've gotta back Mesum up - we've both been around a few years and have seen this happen time and time again.That said, I'd be happier if the other topic of recent conversation was shitcanned.
7 hours ago D'Elited D. says:This whole "violation of Yelp TOS" is bullshit.If they removed everyone who "violated TOS" - half of this website would be GONE.Absolute bullshit....and they know it.
7 hours ago Rosie V. says:Dan. Don't make me dig you. For real
7 hours ago Mandi G. says:D has a good point.I would think Yelp would be pissed at the people who come on here and say "I hate the talk threads as of late. I never even read them anymore. I don't recommend Yelp to friends because I don't want them to get scared off by bukkake threads."These are the people that should be getting d'elited. NOT the people who make snarky comments occasionally but also have the most read reviews and threads.
7 hours ago cookie monster "bring back max power!" r. says:what d'elited said. i too have an email for max, and am willing to forward email addresses to her.and while max is gone, the reviews of max are still with us. add your own herehttp://www.yelp.com/biz/max-power-b-chicago
Elite '08
6 hours ago Liz "bring on the baking indgredients" S. says:I'll save Max for my 200th review....It'll be perfect.
Elite '08
6 hours ago MaryAnne "Max B" M. says:I need to clarify my statement "The next time someone accuses someone else of having fake multiple accounts WITHOUT ANY TANGIBLE EVIDENCE needs to then produce said evidence" It honestly only seems fair.I will also add statement is NOT DIRECTED TO ANY SINGLE PERSON, as many yelpers often make this accusation.
6 hours ago Mandi G. says:Funny to have people that Max didn't even like trying to kiss her ass now that she is gone.Too little, too late.
6 hours ago majel "shoplifters of the world unite" e. says:Will Chaviva catch that one?
6 hours ago Mandi G. says:I wasn't talking about Chaviva, Majel.
6 hours ago majel "shoplifters of the world unite" e. says:I figured it would relate to the claim that she only has love for people... Yeah, I'm getting late night delirious and causing drama for no reason...
6 hours ago D'Elited D. says:Every village is made up of three sects.1. Chiefs2. Indians3. IdiotsWhich do you think we have the most of?Goodbye Max :- (
Elite '08
6 hours ago Dane K. says:erica, if you don't take this site seriously why did you go out of your way to bitch me out in PM over something i said, then gave a totally offensive idiotic tirade in said thread... then apparently went out of your way to get my account suspended for 24 hours last week? (btw, when you alluded that all gay people had AIDS I found that to be somewhat offensive, yet i didn't care enough to go and complain to yelp HQ until after my account was suspended.... then as with many other things in Yelp HQ land i did i didn't hear a peep back of course)or was that not you, it was just a mere coincidence that it was suspended after you went on a tirade? it's not like i would know, they didn't bother to contact me..
6 hours ago Koizumi "Iron Butterfly" Y. says:I was sent the URL to a petition. If anyone wants it, PM me.
6 hours ago Mandi G. says:Do the chief's smoke all day in their wigwams?If so, I'm a chief!
Elite '08
6 hours ago Jessie "Gonna Get Cha" B. says:What the heck is going on??I haven't been on Yelp for a week now--and people are getting booted? Wow!I wish only great things for Max! She was pretty freaking awesome. So much hate recently. Wow.
Elite '08
6 hours ago Erica A. says:Woah Dane, ??? Honey, I didn't contact anyone over anything. I have no clue why your acct got suspended. Nothing I did yo.And I didn't think I "bitched" you out. Interesting you took it that way.And, sigh, for the record: I didn't allude all gay people had AIDS. I likened saying "All Puerto Ricans are gangbangers" to making a similar false statement about gays and AIDS. For the record. I meant no ill will towards you.
6 hours ago D'Elited D. says:At the end of the day, we all have our place here....the yelptards, the trolls, those who share TMI, those who are smart, those who are stupid, those who are ignorant. those who are honest, and those who look for affirmation or those who look for admiration.Either this is a "community" or it is NOT.We're a pack of wild dogs and everyone has their role - good and bad - but we have our role and this is a "community."I don't like everyone here, but I "respect" everyone here - good or bad.It's a shame to contribute so much and then be cast aside like an empty fast-food bag.Good-bye Max :- (
Elite '08
6 hours ago Dane K. says:What's rightWhat's wrongWhat's leftWhat the hell is going on
Elite '08
6 hours ago Dane K. says:ok, sorry, i guess it was just a huge coincidence. it seems to be yelp policy to not contact everyone when they suspend them. which really only adds to the drama. then they wonder why there's so many trolls on here lately... if they're wanting a solution to trolls, suspending people who post on this site as themselves probably doesn't help matters... if people want to be here they'll find a way one way or another.
6 hours ago cookie monster "bring back max power!" r. says:max will have the last laugh in this battle. never underestimate the power.
Elite '08
6 hours ago Erika "What fresh hell is this?!" G. says:Jeez, did we lose the Messiah or something? Come on, people . . . don't drink the kool aid.
6 hours ago Katarina "I am Max Power" X. says:Yelp had better call her crying... because until then there will be no $$$ from me.
6 hours ago cookie monster "bring back max power!" r. says:yes, we did.is kool aid what they hand out at those elite parties?
6 hours ago Mandi G. says:"Jeez, did we lose the Messiah or something? Come on, people . . . don't drink the kool aid."Erika- It's a fresh wound and it still hurts. Let us have our night to be sad. I'm sure the majority of us will be ok tomorrow, but it kinda sucks right now.And it's not just losing Max....it's being disappointed in what Yelp did when so many of us have grown to love Yelp.
6 hours ago Izzy "when douches say douchey things" N. says:Lindley I love your opening for this thread! Funny, but i shouldn't be laughing
Elite '08
6 hours ago Erika "What fresh hell is this?!" G. says:"Good Wyrd" is curiously gone too.
6 hours ago Rosie V. says:Out of curiosity, Erika, what are you suggesting, in a passive-agressive manner, given the number of trolls on this site on any given day?
6 hours ago cookie monster "bring back max power!" r. says:matt f also got deleted yesterday or today. must be a deletefest going on out there.http://www.yelp.com/redir?url=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.youtube.com%2Fwatch%3Fv%3D8FgMTAj4f_o
Elite '08
6 hours ago Erika "What fresh hell is this?!" G. says:Not suggesting anything, nor am I being passive aggressive. Merely letting people draw their own conclusions.
Elite '08
6 hours ago Dane K. says:who is matt f? what was his avatar?
Elite '08
5 hours ago Adrian W. says:Do I miss Max? Yes.Do I wish for her return? Triple Yes.Is it the end of the world? No.
Elite '08
5 hours ago Dane K. says:not if the 13 year old in germany has anything to say about that adrian
5 hours ago Rosie V. says:That's very diplomatic of you, Erika. Thanks for your input
Elite '08
5 hours ago Erika "What fresh hell is this?!" G. says:You're welcome, Rosie! :-) Now, no more minutes of my sleep need to be lost over this, really. Night all.
5 hours ago Allison B. says:I've only really been on yelp talk sporadically, but I still knew Max and knew how awesome/funny/witty she was. It isn't the end of the world for us, for yelp, but she was very hurt by the comment that was made by the Sylvia girl. She spent a lot of time on Yelp and I bet this is a big deal to her, which is why it's so horrible. I guess I won't be yelping again, unless management decides to be f*cking reasonable.
Elite '08
5 hours ago Adrian W. says:Dane, I coulda sworn that Moroccan that is barely nine years old has a huge bone to pick with whomever it was. But seriously, Max, though not dead, was always kind hearted, at least to me.Yet when I read this thread and the others, why do I get the feeling it's a eulogy?
5 hours ago Koizumi "Iron Butterfly" Y. says:No Kool Aid or Armageddons here. The bottom line is I don't appreciate double standards or lopsided policy, particularly given the issues involved and the manner in which this was handled. It's simple enough to be straightforward about that without needing it to be the Wailing Wall.
5 hours ago mary e. says:Koizumi - I totally agree with you.Yelp is pretty strict and they can be "lopsided" with policy enforcement. It's strange, this is the only site that has ever suspended me from the threads. I was shocked. But it gave me bragging rights...sort of.
Elite '08
5 hours ago Dane K. says:i think it's more disappointment in yelp admins than a eulogy. kind of in the same way people were disappointed when people were disappointed in wal-mart for suing the paralyzed former employee for all of her money.
5 hours ago Aise "pronounced I-cee" W. says:Please, someone PM and fill me in on what happened.
5 hours ago cookie monster "bring back max power!" r. says:done!
Elite '08
5 hours ago Adrian W. says:Dane, I agree. I am disappointed in how they handled the private messages. I feel those should have stayed for at least a week or so since some yelpers, myself included, don't check this website on a daily basis. She spent oodles of time here and to be wiped away so quickly...damn.
Elite '08
5 hours ago Dane K. says:aiseeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee weren't you involved? now i'm even more confused, i thought you were defending her in the same thread :p
5 hours ago Rosie V. says:Adrian, it's a pissed-off group rant directed at the unfairness of this incident, frustration at having no say in the matter although yelp people are the major components of this sites success, topped off w/ a frustrating feeling of powerlessness Everyone will be cool in a minute, but until then, SYLVIA P is still unbelievably here, it's after midnight, and anyone who would rather not poke a sleeping bear can simply just go to bed
Elite '08
5 hours ago Dane K. says:who is sylvia P ! ! ! !
Elite '08
5 hours ago Ellen "isn't pally with the crackers in the alley" M. says:She's some lab test animal for cosmetics, with fake tits.
5 hours ago cookie monster "bring back max power!" r. says:the person whose account should have been deleted for tos violations.
Elite '08
5 hours ago Dane K. says:OH now i remember
5 hours ago Aise "pronounced I-cee" W. says:WTF? We lose the PM's?!?!?!?Chaviva, you haven't been the most gracious person towards me either until very recently. Yet, I still treat you with respect, am kind to you, and don't blow up the spot with your discourteousness and turncoat behavior. If you were going to be catty, then you shouldn't have seen a need to contribute to this thread.
5 hours ago Aise "pronounced I-cee" W. says:Dane- I did. While I'm not happy she was booted, I'm actually happy Max didn't just leave quietly of her own accord. She knows what I'm talking about. I'm proud of her.
5 hours ago Rosie V. says:SYLVIA P is the Elite member who entered a thread on rape after Max shared a story that she felt comfortable enough to relate. She proceeded to call Max a liar and to expound her theories on what constitutes as rape and what doesn't. That thread got deleted because of the backlash to SYLVIA P's outrageously callous postsThen, a few days later, a Yelp member discovered that SYLVIA P had altered her profile to slyly mock Max in every field, right down to her nickname. For example, "You can find me in"...she put "lurking in dark alleys and looking in your bedroom windows" Her nickname was something like "I'm 'Power'-ful and Famous because of Yelp". Her location is "city of Hater, IL". Her recent discovery is "That pathological liars are among us" or some bullshit like that. She's gotten 2 compliments from other yelpers who are squarely in her corner, too, one of which is Elite, if not both of themYou can check it all out, since she's been allowed to keep it posted, although Max was bizarrely deletedNail in coffin, perhaps, but there's the elephant in the room
5 hours ago Koizumi "Iron Butterfly" Y. says:In the beginning I had a philosophical attitude about what occurred. I expressed as much to Max in the Sisterhood thread and mentioned the risk in divulging information of such a private nature in a public forum. Still, I understood her need to pursue this. However, after time passed and she wasn't given the courtesy of redress, I popped over to Sylvia's profile and found her openly mocking the Yelp system as well as Max. This was when the shift occurred. I'm a policy person, but also a strong proponent of ethics and corporate responsibility. Allowing such a blatantly disrespectful member a continued forum was permissive. As Max waited, her hurt, anger and frustration peaked. To learn she was then removed for TOS via such a cheerfully offhanded message was simply beyond the pale, particularly when one can still click onto the original offender's profile and read what Rosie described above. To allow this despite a multitude of complaints, flags, and threads suggests Yelp is taking a rather arrogant, almost defiant posture. It is this attitude which typically causes people to stop appealing to the corporate hierarchy, and instead go directly to the money. No disrespect to Max, but this is more a matter of commanding right action.
Elite '08
5 hours ago Dane K. says:those outfits alone should be grounds for flagging her photos as inappropriate... especially that green dress.
5 hours ago Astronomer Joe ""Yelp's Handsomely Mustached Astronomer of Ulm"" .. says:This was allowed to go too far, and is more than just Max.It's a union of all Yelpers who genuinely enjoy each others company, ( for the most part ), and when one of the crew gets treated unfairly, then it is the responsibility of fair minded members to voice our disapproval.This catalyst may reach into places that rather not be recognized, but proper moderation may have nipped it. I hope this all can be remedied to the satisfaction of most, not just for Max, but for everyone else who enjoyed the Yelp experience.Joe
Elite '08
5 hours ago Jenny "Missing Max" z. says:Well stated, Joe!
4 hours ago Jassira " HowBitersweetThesePunctu ations/of flameAnd gesture" V. says:I have missed most of this drama but I always enjoyed Max's presence on Yelp. I wholeheartedly agree with Joe. I can only hope that things will work out peacefully. Saddened.
4 hours ago Izzy "when douches say douchey things" N. says:chicago yelp is so intense
Elite '08
4 hours ago Linda "We Miss Max!!!" P. says:I also agree with Joe. Things got to a point where it got messy and unfortunately Max was a casualty :(. I hope that things can be resolved so that we can continue to enjoy Yelp and the talk boards.
4 hours ago k "Whats the time on the SWATCH watch?" e. says:This is a sad day for Chicago Yelp. RIP one of its great members.I'll pull out my ouija board as well
4 hours ago Izzy "when douches say douchey things" N. says:
This post violated the Yelp Terms of Service and has been removed.
4 hours ago Mandi G. says:http://www.yelp.com/redir?url=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.yelp.com%2Fuser_details%3Fuserid%3DHuMy0kEKZTUkEjdJ1CZLSw
4 hours ago Izzy "when douches say douchey things" N. says:oh wow, thanks!
4 hours ago Mandi G. says:I'm just curious as to why it would be a TOS violation to ask who the other person being discussed in the thread is?You can easily do a member search for the profile, but like every other talk thread, someone always asks for a direct link to the info at hand.
3 hours ago Izzy "when douches say douchey things" N. says:lol wow my post was a TOS violation! Is it cuz I said dirty rat? Or asked about Sylvia? Cuz other people were asking and talking about Sylvia too anyways. Dang, Yelp is cracking down!
3 hours ago Miss Mary Ann "sunshine on my shoulders makes me happy" D. says:""to paraphrase Supreme Court Justice James Stewart when defining pornography in a case about obscenity, "integrity is hard to define, but we 'know it when we see it.""or when we don't
1 hour ago Izzy "when douches say douchey things" N. says:I've said more damning things in my reviews
10 minutes ago Xtie "White & Nerdy" G. says:I really need to clarify...Max is gone from Yelp...so fucking what. It's not that they gave her the boot that is disturbing. The REAL drama is due to:1) that Yelp HQ dismissed the heinous crime she experienced by virtue of allowing another Yelper to taunt her about it. If Max were an African American and Sylvia had called her the "N-word" or made cracks about slavery she would've been pulled in a heartbeat. Please explain to me why that negative generalization of a group of people who are descendants of THAT heinous crime is SO much more offensive than the dismissal of ANOTHER group of people (victims of rape), who have PERSONALLY EXPERIENCED a heinous crime, as liars or histrionic? After ALL Max's contribution to this site they completely abandoned her as a REAL PERSON with REAL FEELINGS.2) The way they booted her was totally classless. They could've given her fair warning, allowed her to collect her things and held the door for her. Instead they booted her out without so much as her hat and gave no good reason for it. Now they won't give her her own work product. Who's next? You? Me? (the latter is imminent, I'm certain)3) By virtue of deleting her account EVERY trace of her is gone: all posts, all PMs, all compliments... And I feel as though they have stolen something from ME.The drama isn't about MAX, people. That Max was the sacrificial lamb is a byproduct of the REAL drama here: that Yelp HQ doesn't give a flying fuck about you, what you contribute or that you are a REAL PERSON with REAL FEELINGS. By showing such blatant disrespect for Max they've show blatant disrespect for all of us.
Good evening Jeremy. Too bad you can't censor my blog? When do I get my work back? Huh? Ya fuckpuddle.
Where did Max go? Her account has been closed....
Category: Yelper Shout-Outs
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Elite '08
04/16/2008 Lindley "The whiter the bread, the sooner you're dead" E. says:Max, o max, are you in purgatory? Does it hurt?pulling out the Ouija Board now....
04/16/2008 Patty V. says:She has been rubbed out....
Elite '08
04/16/2008 Mike "Howler Monkey" O. says:One of the most prolific and interesting people too. Shame to see her go.
04/16/2008 R.T. S. says:Did they kick Sylvia off? One of the other trolls? Noooooo. Stupid yelp.
Elite '08
04/16/2008 Chaviva "A Sexy, Sexy Jewess!" E. says:I trust that the Yelp gods have made a well-thought-out decision, and like people have said in the past, this is a business.
04/16/2008 Koizumi "Iron Butterfly" Y. says:Do you generally trust corporations to do the right thing, Chaviva? Or do you have a heightened affinity for Yelp corporate? I realise this topic is about Max, but your comment sparked my general curiosity beyond that subject.
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Where did Max go? Her account has been closed....
Category: Yelper Shout-Outs
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Elite '08
04/16/2008 Lindley "The whiter the bread, the sooner you're dead" E. says:Max, o max, are you in purgatory? Does it hurt?pulling out the Ouija Board now....
04/16/2008 Patty V. says:She has been rubbed out....
Elite '08
04/16/2008 Mike "Howler Monkey" O. says:One of the most prolific and interesting people too. Shame to see her go.
04/16/2008 R.T. S. says:Did they kick Sylvia off? One of the other trolls? Noooooo. Stupid yelp.
Elite '08
04/16/2008 Chaviva "A Sexy, Sexy Jewess!" E. says:I trust that the Yelp gods have made a well-thought-out decision, and like people have said in the past, this is a business.
04/16/2008 Koizumi "Iron Butterfly" Y. says:Do you generally trust corporations to do the right thing, Chaviva? Or do you have a heightened affinity for Yelp corporate? I realise this topic is about Max, but your comment sparked my general curiosity beyond that subject.
This is what it looked like before HQ took the scissors to it. Nice job! Didn't anyone get the memo that facisim and blacklisting is SO 1950s?
Where did Max go? Her account has been closed....
Category: Yelper Shout-Outs
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Elite '08
9 hours ago Lindley "The whiter the bread, the sooner you're dead" E. says:Max, o max, are you in purgatory? Does it hurt?pulling out the Ouija Board now....
9 hours ago Mandi G. says:All that written genius wit lost forever?!?!?Say it ain't so, Max.
Elite '08
9 hours ago Erica A. says:Weird.
Elite '08
9 hours ago Rocky "Bringing Sexy Back" B. says::(
9 hours ago Rosie V. says:I'm gonna kill her. We just talked about this
Elite '08
9 hours ago Rob "It's Good to be the King!" L. says:Nope SF closed it.. she never asked for it to be done...
Elite '08
9 hours ago MaryAnne "Max B" M. says:She and I spoke about it this morning too. She said it was pending....Yes, it's a loss.
Elite '08
9 hours ago danielle C. says:It is a loss. A huge one.For what?
Elite '08
9 hours ago Lindley "The whiter the bread, the sooner you're dead" E. says:see the other thread. Andrea said it was a violation of TOS.
9 hours ago Mandi G. says:What other thread?
Elite '08
9 hours ago Carol J. says:So one gets d'elited and the other deleted? Not fair, given the circumstance.
Elite '08
9 hours ago Lindley "The whiter the bread, the sooner you're dead" E. says:the max love thread.yep. doesn't make sense.
Elite '08
9 hours ago Lindley "The whiter the bread, the sooner you're dead" E. says:http://www.yelp.com/redir?url=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.yelp.com%2Ftopic%2Fchicago-max-power-love-thread
Elite '08
9 hours ago danielle C. says:So, someone help me here. If I am getting flagged, am I notified? I just want to know. If a chunck of yelp decides that someone is not fit to be on for whatever reason-and flags their profile- they go away?Unclear on the concepts
9 hours ago Mandi G. says:I know life isn't fair, but that is beyond ridiculous.Send a girl a warning, don't just erase hours upon hours of work a person did towards your site for free.
9 hours ago Koizumi "Iron Butterfly" Y. says:She probably lost it - and understandably so - when she felt little would be done to deal with the person who'd insulted her, then rubbed her face in it. That she openly challenged leadership was probably another thing. Yelp seems to punish this more swiftly, even if other offences are more egregious. That would be my guess anyhow.
9 hours ago Katarina "I am Max Power" X. says:I find it disgusting that it is apparently okay to attack someone, send hate mail AND threaten now? But Max gets removed? For what, a playboy review? Sylvia attacked Max, not the other way around and I believe the way yelp is handling it to be despicable. Shame on you yelp.
Elite '08
9 hours ago Linda "We Miss Max!!!" P. says:I'm sad :(.It's a shame that people on here can be harassed by fellow Yelpers, yet get their account closed when they try to deal with it.She will be missed!
9 hours ago mary e. says:Wow! I'm with you guys on this. She was so prolific with her reviews. How can they just close her account like that? Why would they just close her account?Hopefully she'll be back. She was a cool lady!
9 hours ago Katarina "I am Max Power" X. says:Email feedback@yelp.com to let them know how you feel. I did.
Elite '08
9 hours ago Chaviva "A UConn Huskie" E. says:I'm thinking the loss might also have had something to do with multiple accounts by Max in different names. But that's just something a birdy might have whispered my way.Like I said elsewhere, I trust that the Yelp admins had good reason for doing what they did. It's a business, and life isn't fair. I know you all will miss her, and for that, I am sorry.
Elite '08
9 hours ago Lindley "The whiter the bread, the sooner you're dead" E. says:Hearsay and gossip don't belong here. Whatever little birdies say isn't worth repeating. Chaviva, do you have an axe to grind with Max?
Elite '08
9 hours ago danielle C. says:I have lost my sense of humor tonight. But this- I do know- that was NOT the reason. and I know it for sure.
9 hours ago Princess Nina L. says:other yelpers had/have multiple accounts in different names. they are still around.
9 hours ago R.T. S. says:Multiple accounts?
Elite '08
9 hours ago Craig "Pickup Artist" B. says:Chaviva i disagree with you so much I can't put it into words...
Elite '08
9 hours ago Chaviva "A UConn Huskie" E. says:This isn't a thread about me, it's about Max. All I can tell you is that Max and I didn't get along, and many people know the story. And I'm not the only one. I feel bad for your guys' loss, I really do. I know everyone loved her. I wish I could have experienced that love, but there was too much hate coming from her for me to enjoy it.
9 hours ago Rosie V. says:No, RTS, no multiple accounts. Thanks for playing, though
Elite '08
9 hours ago Jenny "Missing Max" z. says:What Lindley said x10 ~ save the drama for your mama, childish ones.Max getting booted is NUTS. BTW, she only had one account.Good lord, this internet attacking of Max? Do it to her face you cowards. Yelp is going to be a much lamer place without her.
9 hours ago Rosie V. says:Shut up, Chaviva
9 hours ago Katarina "I am Max Power" X. says:I'm with you... as far as I know isn't yelp supposed to monitor for that sort of thing from Abby's let pet puppies and so forth? Suspiciously selective in my opinion.
Elite '08
9 hours ago Patty "No, but thanks for asking" V. says:Max had no need for multiple accounts. She had a VERY valid reason for not using a real photo of herself.She was brutally honest,something that is not always admired in the world.
Elite '08
9 hours ago Lindley "The whiter the bread, the sooner you're dead" E. says:Chaviva, then why introduce your hypothesis about her having multiple accounts?For a thread about Max, don't you feel that repeating hearsay is unproductive?
9 hours ago Patrick B. says:Talk about good crazy/bad crazy...see the show of that title at the Apollo Theater this friday at 8 PM. seriously, Max was a decent person but just because you are popular, doesn't mean that you cannot mess up. And if Yelp admins feel she was wrong, than she was wrong regardless on our opinion. Real People, real reviews. Sincerely,Pat Bateman
Elite '08
9 hours ago Chaviva "A UConn Huskie" E. says:It was a reliable source. Or at least I thought. Anyhow, I'm sorry.
9 hours ago Katarina "I am Max Power" X. says:Not getting along? C'mon people... it's the internet, not high school (for most of us).
9 hours ago Mandi G. says:"but there was too much hate coming from her for me to enjoy it."Most ignorant statement of the week.Max had nothing but love for every single person on this damn site. Sarcasm and hate are two completely different things.
9 hours ago majel "shoplifters of the world unite" e. says:Good one Patrick!The oooooold "real people, real reviews" routine!
Elite '08
8 hours ago Chaviva "A UConn Huskie" E. says:Mandi -- she was not loving and nice toward me. I'm not talking in the public sphere, I'm talking on the private message sphere.
8 hours ago Princess Nina L. says:Max had no need to have multiple accounts. she spoke her mind, she didn't need to hide behind a question mark head to voice her opinion like so many others do on here.
Elite '08
8 hours ago Jenny "Missing Max" z. says:So block her, next time, sheesh.
Elite '08
8 hours ago Craig "Pickup Artist" B. says:Dear Real Person Patrick... since you are not real, I suggest you drop your accout... or shall I contact San Francisco?
Elite '08
8 hours ago Lindley "The whiter the bread, the sooner you're dead" E. says:Unless your information is coming from Yelp HQ, how can anyone be consider a reliable source - especially as regards Max, who was a very private person. She didn't have multiple accounts - she didn't need to. And even if she did, how would anyone know?
8 hours ago Katarina "I am Max Power" X. says:I agree Mandi, Max and I disagreed on many, many a subject, but it wasn't personal! Adult, intelligent discussion are what Talk threads are all about, right then? Don't know WHY yelp can't tolerate that...
8 hours ago Mandi G. says:Chaviva- Then go start a thread about how hateful Max was and leave this thread alone.You are being completely inappropriate.
Elite '08
8 hours ago Rob "It's Good to be the King!" L. says:Mandi, I disagree, I know Max didn't have love for everyone on this site. Many, yes, but not everyone.... but I will miss her on this site, she said a lot of kind words to me and I hope I tried to do the same for her.
Elite '08
8 hours ago Chaviva "A UConn Huskie" E. says:Right. I can't compete with the Max love fest, because she has more friends on here than all of us combined. I'll exit stage left. But I am sincere when I say I feel bad for the community as a whole, because I know that Max created a thriving atmosphere on Yelp. I really do mean that.
Elite '08
8 hours ago Xtie "White & Nerdy" G. says:OK, what REALLY pisses me off is that when they delete her account EVERYTHING she ever wrote on Yelp disappears, INCLUDING PMs! She sent me some pretty great stuff that I'm FURIOUS is gone.
Elite '08
8 hours ago Carol J. says:I'm really bummed about her loss, I just noticed they removed her nice compliments from my profile too. A little overkill. Why would anyone jump on a "love thread" with inuendo,hearsay and private matters? She's not dead and for all we know she could be on this very thread under a "multiple account".
Elite '08
8 hours ago Ellen "isn't pally with the crackers in the alley" M. says:Guys, I enjoyed Max as much as the rest of you. I didn't want her to leave. But can we really say we are surprised to hear that Yelp noticed she frequently violated the TOS? And I cringed more than once at her rough words towards others. I told her so, and she said she appreciated my honesty.But even more, Max wrote me today saying that she was leaving Yelp and left me her email address. So it was just a matter of time anyway.
Elite '08
8 hours ago Patty "No, but thanks for asking" V. says:If she had less than kindness for someone,it was because they drew first blood. I have seen Max give as good as she gets and she is a good egg.
Elite '08
8 hours ago Linda "We Miss Max!!!" P. says:Max was nothing but a sweetheart towards me. I know that she could be a bit abrasive, but that was part of her charm!I really hope that she will be back with a new account.
Elite '08
8 hours ago danielle C. says:I just cannot comment anymore... Sorry all.
Elite '08
8 hours ago Patty "No, but thanks for asking" V. says:Yeah,losing all of her PM's and compliments is a bitch.There were some good ones there....
Elite '08
8 hours ago Linda "We Miss Max!!!" P. says:Losing the PMs and compliments is the saddest of it all :(.
Elite '08
8 hours ago Jenny "Missing Max" z. says:Those, and her reviews. They were AMAZING. Please tell me someone saved her reviews....
Elite '08
8 hours ago MaryAnne "Max B" M. says:This is bullshit, I had PM's from her I need.....
Elite '08
8 hours ago Deanna "borderline feral, probably autistic" M. says:I have Max's e-mail address for those of you who don't have it. I'm not willing to give it out, but if you'd like me to forward your e-mail address to her, feel free to PM me.
Elite '08
8 hours ago Linda "We Miss Max!!!" P. says:I had her email in one of the PMs she sent me. GRRRR @ them being deleted.I think I remember it in my head, if it doesn't work I'll PM you my email Deanna.
Elite '08
8 hours ago Rocky "Bringing Sexy Back" B. says:i think she emailed everyone on her friends list this morning with her email addy. luckily i thought to save it to my gmail right away instead of keeping it on a yelp message.
Elite '08
8 hours ago Sam "Saving My 100th Review" S. says:we should start a petition to bring Max back...
Elite '08
8 hours ago Mesum "Coming soon to store near you" N. says:Well it's sad that we lost someone I respected a lot but not always agreed with her. She was frustrated by how some users are behaving towards her anyways and I would imagine she was getting even more angry by time. Maybe this will help us to take some time off the Yelp and hopefully relax. Once she thinks she is ready to rejoin, I am sure HQ and Chicago mods will not have problems with her join back.Look at cookie monster for example. His account was deleted at least twice and yet he is allowed to not only join but do his usual cry and whine like he was doing before.She is way much smarter than him and I know when she'll return, it'll be all good again.I wish her best luck.
8 hours ago majel "shoplifters of the world unite" e. says:Ooh sneaky! I'm sure she'll be back after a little break. If the nice weather sticks I think we'll all be in better moods!
8 hours ago Katarina "I am Max Power" X. says:Sorry Mesum, not good enough in my opinion (Though I love Cookie too... always makes me laugh).
Elite '08
8 hours ago MaryAnne "Max B" M. says:Also-The next time someone accuses someone else of having fake multiple accounts WITHOUT ANY TANGIBLE EVIDENCE I am going to fucking lose it. Honestly.
8 hours ago Rosie V. says:Mesum, I hope you're not an attorney, because your reverse psychology totally sucksAt this point, everyone is aware that SYLVIA P is still here and is still Elite. No need for the neutral, armchair Switzerland approach
Elite '08
8 hours ago danielle C. says:right with ya mm.
Elite '08
8 hours ago Deanna "borderline feral, probably autistic" M. says:Rosie, Sylvia was d'elited. Not that that's good enough.
Elite '08
8 hours ago Mesum "Coming soon to store near you" N. says:Rosie, not sure if I was looking for your approval.Go apeshit or wish Max the best, your choice. And don't try to make it look that I am trying to defend other user.
8 hours ago Princess Nina L. says:i have no clue who sylvia even is!
Elite '08
8 hours ago Deanna "borderline feral, probably autistic" M. says:Nina, do you really want to know? I think she's gotten enough attention.
8 hours ago Princess Nina L. says:i just found her profile, and i wish i could get that time back.
Elite '08
8 hours ago Jenny "Missing Max" z. says:Well, if people could grow up and learn to a) use their "block" button if they don't want PM's from someone, b) stop taking their personal problems out on strangers on the internet and c) grow up and deal with the fact that they aren't always going to be the most popular person in the world, maybe Max wouldn't have gotten TOS'd. Ridonkulous!
8 hours ago Mandi G. says:"The next time someone accuses someone else of having fake multiple accounts WITHOUT ANY TANGIBLE EVIDENCE I am going to fucking lose it. Honestly."That's why I only accuse people who deserve it and who I have TANGIBLE evidence against. No good to shoot your mouth off when you have no idea what you are talking about.
8 hours ago Rosie V. says:Mesum, stop kissing the ring for one second and re-read what you wrote. Get off meAs for the harrasment from SYLVIA PMax only replied to say "thank you" for the threads started in her honorSo she was ejected why? Until a fat cat or a moderator decides to fill in the public faces/reviewers/volounteeer sales agents that are largely responsible for the success of this site, everyone will continue to, rightfully believe, that this is completely fucked upOh but wait. SYLVIA P has an actual photo. Well, that explains it. She's obviously less expendible
8 hours ago Mandi G. says:Amen to everything Jenny just said.
Elite '08
8 hours ago Erica A. says:"deal with the fact that they aren't always going to be the most popular person in the world"Especially necessary because we're talking about the internet. The internet.
Elite '08
8 hours ago Carol J. says:MaryAnne "Overserved" M. says:"The next time someone accuses someone else of having fake multiple accounts WITHOUT ANY TANGIBLE EVIDENCE I am going to fucking lose it. Honestly."MaryAnne, I just want to clarify that I was joking about the multiple accounts....!
Elite '08
8 hours ago Liz "Bubbles" M. says:Holy crap!!!I just got on....WHAT THE....You're right all her PM's are gone!! She sent me contact info this afternoon and I didn't write it down!!! Damn it!All her compliments too....oh this is wrong. So wrong.
8 hours ago Rosie V. says:Yes, Erica, it's the internet. It's extreme chump change in the grand scheme of thingsHowever, the amount of time that the majority of these users spend on this site, the morphing into a society is not unusual, nor should it be disregarded, given that this is the mode of communication that you will utilize for the rest of your life, as will every generation after you, which gives it credence and reality(the following is not towards Erica A)I really hate when users, mostly Elites post up in here 22 hours out of the day,nearly every day, yet all of a sudden they lay a smack-down on someone, spewing their condescending gospel when they don't like what they're hearing: It's just a website. Get a life. Get off my lawn. Step away from the computer. Blah blah blah"It
8 hours ago Rosie V. says:sucks
Elite '08
8 hours ago Erica A. says:I feel you, Rosie. The internet is an interesting place and how we congregate and treat each other on this website can sometimes be pretty fascinating stuff. Because, after all, we are all "real people" typing these words. It's a collision of opinions, ideas, and personalities.I don't take this website very seriously, though. I am sorry Max got deleted. But I'm still not losing sleep over Yelp.
8 hours ago Katarina "I am Max Power" X. says:Look. yelp brings in a lot of money for the businesses I've had the pleasure to positively experience and review. A lot of money. It is inexcusable that personal attacks are not being reined in my yelp under their own policies. When yelp contacts the business I work for and asks for $$$ to advertise with them, I will let them know this. I advise all of you to do the same. If they can't maintain, the won't gain. feedback@yelp.comDo it.
7 hours ago Astronomer Joe ""Yelp's Handsomely Mustached Astronomer of Ulm"" .. says:Yelp pulled a boner and it stinks all around.Better and more professional ways to have handled it and the loss of the history of Max's pms and other content is abhorrent. I would like to hear Yelp's Administrations side and reasoning on this please.Joe
Elite '08
7 hours ago Rob "It's Good to be the King!" L. says:I am sure things will unfold over the next couple of days, now will the whole truth come out? Probably not, but hopefully those who need answers will get them in a satisfactory manner...
Elite '08
7 hours ago Mik "Where's My Whiskey" W. says:I'm glad I got Max's personal email address yesterday. Whew.
7 hours ago Philip "White Confucius" G. says:Was this a one-strike you're out scenario? Because if it was, you'd think at most they'd simply suspend her, but to delete everything associated with her name? That's just wrong, regardless of one's feelings toward Max. I hope they still have all of her info and allow her to come back after a hiatus or something. I didn't know her and I've only been posting on the talk boards for a few weeks, but she always kept things interesting and had insightful witticisms to share. It seemed like yelp was her home away from home. Harsh...
Elite '08
7 hours ago Vamsi V. says:This is sad, very sad.I don't even know what to say.
Elite '08
7 hours ago Jenny "Missing Max" z. says:Max sends love to all - did anyone save her reviews? She would like to have them. :)
7 hours ago Rosie V. says:Erica, I know it's a website, and I also know you get what I'm alluding to. Believe me when I say, I don't lose sleep over Yelp, although that was a good smooth-overI don't lose sleep, but the unjust nature of her deletion pisses me off. I'm not looking to kiss ass. I'm just telling it like I see it. That's only because I don't care if they get rid of me or not. (unlike many yelp people who liked Max, but just can't step over that line) Free booze rules!
Elite '08
7 hours ago Ellen "isn't pally with the crackers in the alley" M. says:I've gotta back Mesum up - we've both been around a few years and have seen this happen time and time again.That said, I'd be happier if the other topic of recent conversation was shitcanned.
7 hours ago D'Elited D. says:This whole "violation of Yelp TOS" is bullshit.If they removed everyone who "violated TOS" - half of this website would be GONE.Absolute bullshit....and they know it.
7 hours ago Rosie V. says:Dan. Don't make me dig you. For real
7 hours ago Mandi G. says:D has a good point.I would think Yelp would be pissed at the people who come on here and say "I hate the talk threads as of late. I never even read them anymore. I don't recommend Yelp to friends because I don't want them to get scared off by bukkake threads."These are the people that should be getting d'elited. NOT the people who make snarky comments occasionally but also have the most read reviews and threads.
7 hours ago cookie monster "bring back max power!" r. says:what d'elited said. i too have an email for max, and am willing to forward email addresses to her.and while max is gone, the reviews of max are still with us. add your own herehttp://www.yelp.com/biz/max-power-b-chicago
Elite '08
6 hours ago Liz "bring on the baking indgredients" S. says:I'll save Max for my 200th review....It'll be perfect.
Elite '08
6 hours ago MaryAnne "Max B" M. says:I need to clarify my statement "The next time someone accuses someone else of having fake multiple accounts WITHOUT ANY TANGIBLE EVIDENCE needs to then produce said evidence" It honestly only seems fair.I will also add statement is NOT DIRECTED TO ANY SINGLE PERSON, as many yelpers often make this accusation.
6 hours ago Mandi G. says:Funny to have people that Max didn't even like trying to kiss her ass now that she is gone.Too little, too late.
6 hours ago majel "shoplifters of the world unite" e. says:Will Chaviva catch that one?
6 hours ago Mandi G. says:I wasn't talking about Chaviva, Majel.
6 hours ago majel "shoplifters of the world unite" e. says:I figured it would relate to the claim that she only has love for people... Yeah, I'm getting late night delirious and causing drama for no reason...
6 hours ago D'Elited D. says:Every village is made up of three sects.1. Chiefs2. Indians3. IdiotsWhich do you think we have the most of?Goodbye Max :- (
Elite '08
6 hours ago Dane K. says:erica, if you don't take this site seriously why did you go out of your way to bitch me out in PM over something i said, then gave a totally offensive idiotic tirade in said thread... then apparently went out of your way to get my account suspended for 24 hours last week? (btw, when you alluded that all gay people had AIDS I found that to be somewhat offensive, yet i didn't care enough to go and complain to yelp HQ until after my account was suspended.... then as with many other things in Yelp HQ land i did i didn't hear a peep back of course)or was that not you, it was just a mere coincidence that it was suspended after you went on a tirade? it's not like i would know, they didn't bother to contact me..
6 hours ago Koizumi "Iron Butterfly" Y. says:I was sent the URL to a petition. If anyone wants it, PM me.
6 hours ago Mandi G. says:Do the chief's smoke all day in their wigwams?If so, I'm a chief!
Elite '08
6 hours ago Jessie "Gonna Get Cha" B. says:What the heck is going on??I haven't been on Yelp for a week now--and people are getting booted? Wow!I wish only great things for Max! She was pretty freaking awesome. So much hate recently. Wow.
Elite '08
6 hours ago Erica A. says:Woah Dane, ??? Honey, I didn't contact anyone over anything. I have no clue why your acct got suspended. Nothing I did yo.And I didn't think I "bitched" you out. Interesting you took it that way.And, sigh, for the record: I didn't allude all gay people had AIDS. I likened saying "All Puerto Ricans are gangbangers" to making a similar false statement about gays and AIDS. For the record. I meant no ill will towards you.
6 hours ago D'Elited D. says:At the end of the day, we all have our place here....the yelptards, the trolls, those who share TMI, those who are smart, those who are stupid, those who are ignorant. those who are honest, and those who look for affirmation or those who look for admiration.Either this is a "community" or it is NOT.We're a pack of wild dogs and everyone has their role - good and bad - but we have our role and this is a "community."I don't like everyone here, but I "respect" everyone here - good or bad.It's a shame to contribute so much and then be cast aside like an empty fast-food bag.Good-bye Max :- (
Elite '08
6 hours ago Dane K. says:What's rightWhat's wrongWhat's leftWhat the hell is going on
Elite '08
6 hours ago Dane K. says:ok, sorry, i guess it was just a huge coincidence. it seems to be yelp policy to not contact everyone when they suspend them. which really only adds to the drama. then they wonder why there's so many trolls on here lately... if they're wanting a solution to trolls, suspending people who post on this site as themselves probably doesn't help matters... if people want to be here they'll find a way one way or another.
6 hours ago cookie monster "bring back max power!" r. says:max will have the last laugh in this battle. never underestimate the power.
Elite '08
6 hours ago Erika "What fresh hell is this?!" G. says:Jeez, did we lose the Messiah or something? Come on, people . . . don't drink the kool aid.
6 hours ago Katarina "I am Max Power" X. says:Yelp had better call her crying... because until then there will be no $$$ from me.
6 hours ago cookie monster "bring back max power!" r. says:yes, we did.is kool aid what they hand out at those elite parties?
6 hours ago Mandi G. says:"Jeez, did we lose the Messiah or something? Come on, people . . . don't drink the kool aid."Erika- It's a fresh wound and it still hurts. Let us have our night to be sad. I'm sure the majority of us will be ok tomorrow, but it kinda sucks right now.And it's not just losing Max....it's being disappointed in what Yelp did when so many of us have grown to love Yelp.
6 hours ago Izzy "when douches say douchey things" N. says:Lindley I love your opening for this thread! Funny, but i shouldn't be laughing
Elite '08
6 hours ago Erika "What fresh hell is this?!" G. says:"Good Wyrd" is curiously gone too.
6 hours ago Rosie V. says:Out of curiosity, Erika, what are you suggesting, in a passive-agressive manner, given the number of trolls on this site on any given day?
6 hours ago cookie monster "bring back max power!" r. says:matt f also got deleted yesterday or today. must be a deletefest going on out there.http://www.yelp.com/redir?url=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.youtube.com%2Fwatch%3Fv%3D8FgMTAj4f_o
Elite '08
6 hours ago Erika "What fresh hell is this?!" G. says:Not suggesting anything, nor am I being passive aggressive. Merely letting people draw their own conclusions.
Elite '08
6 hours ago Dane K. says:who is matt f? what was his avatar?
Elite '08
5 hours ago Adrian W. says:Do I miss Max? Yes.Do I wish for her return? Triple Yes.Is it the end of the world? No.
Elite '08
5 hours ago Dane K. says:not if the 13 year old in germany has anything to say about that adrian
5 hours ago Rosie V. says:That's very diplomatic of you, Erika. Thanks for your input
Elite '08
5 hours ago Erika "What fresh hell is this?!" G. says:You're welcome, Rosie! :-) Now, no more minutes of my sleep need to be lost over this, really. Night all.
5 hours ago Allison B. says:I've only really been on yelp talk sporadically, but I still knew Max and knew how awesome/funny/witty she was. It isn't the end of the world for us, for yelp, but she was very hurt by the comment that was made by the Sylvia girl. She spent a lot of time on Yelp and I bet this is a big deal to her, which is why it's so horrible. I guess I won't be yelping again, unless management decides to be f*cking reasonable.
Elite '08
5 hours ago Adrian W. says:Dane, I coulda sworn that Moroccan that is barely nine years old has a huge bone to pick with whomever it was. But seriously, Max, though not dead, was always kind hearted, at least to me.Yet when I read this thread and the others, why do I get the feeling it's a eulogy?
5 hours ago Koizumi "Iron Butterfly" Y. says:No Kool Aid or Armageddons here. The bottom line is I don't appreciate double standards or lopsided policy, particularly given the issues involved and the manner in which this was handled. It's simple enough to be straightforward about that without needing it to be the Wailing Wall.
5 hours ago mary e. says:Koizumi - I totally agree with you.Yelp is pretty strict and they can be "lopsided" with policy enforcement. It's strange, this is the only site that has ever suspended me from the threads. I was shocked. But it gave me bragging rights...sort of.
Elite '08
5 hours ago Dane K. says:i think it's more disappointment in yelp admins than a eulogy. kind of in the same way people were disappointed when people were disappointed in wal-mart for suing the paralyzed former employee for all of her money.
5 hours ago Aise "pronounced I-cee" W. says:Please, someone PM and fill me in on what happened.
5 hours ago cookie monster "bring back max power!" r. says:done!
Elite '08
5 hours ago Adrian W. says:Dane, I agree. I am disappointed in how they handled the private messages. I feel those should have stayed for at least a week or so since some yelpers, myself included, don't check this website on a daily basis. She spent oodles of time here and to be wiped away so quickly...damn.
Elite '08
5 hours ago Dane K. says:aiseeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee weren't you involved? now i'm even more confused, i thought you were defending her in the same thread :p
5 hours ago Rosie V. says:Adrian, it's a pissed-off group rant directed at the unfairness of this incident, frustration at having no say in the matter although yelp people are the major components of this sites success, topped off w/ a frustrating feeling of powerlessness Everyone will be cool in a minute, but until then, SYLVIA P is still unbelievably here, it's after midnight, and anyone who would rather not poke a sleeping bear can simply just go to bed
Elite '08
5 hours ago Dane K. says:who is sylvia P ! ! ! !
Elite '08
5 hours ago Ellen "isn't pally with the crackers in the alley" M. says:She's some lab test animal for cosmetics, with fake tits.
5 hours ago cookie monster "bring back max power!" r. says:the person whose account should have been deleted for tos violations.
Elite '08
5 hours ago Dane K. says:OH now i remember
5 hours ago Aise "pronounced I-cee" W. says:WTF? We lose the PM's?!?!?!?Chaviva, you haven't been the most gracious person towards me either until very recently. Yet, I still treat you with respect, am kind to you, and don't blow up the spot with your discourteousness and turncoat behavior. If you were going to be catty, then you shouldn't have seen a need to contribute to this thread.
5 hours ago Aise "pronounced I-cee" W. says:Dane- I did. While I'm not happy she was booted, I'm actually happy Max didn't just leave quietly of her own accord. She knows what I'm talking about. I'm proud of her.
5 hours ago Rosie V. says:SYLVIA P is the Elite member who entered a thread on rape after Max shared a story that she felt comfortable enough to relate. She proceeded to call Max a liar and to expound her theories on what constitutes as rape and what doesn't. That thread got deleted because of the backlash to SYLVIA P's outrageously callous postsThen, a few days later, a Yelp member discovered that SYLVIA P had altered her profile to slyly mock Max in every field, right down to her nickname. For example, "You can find me in"...she put "lurking in dark alleys and looking in your bedroom windows" Her nickname was something like "I'm 'Power'-ful and Famous because of Yelp". Her location is "city of Hater, IL". Her recent discovery is "That pathological liars are among us" or some bullshit like that. She's gotten 2 compliments from other yelpers who are squarely in her corner, too, one of which is Elite, if not both of themYou can check it all out, since she's been allowed to keep it posted, although Max was bizarrely deletedNail in coffin, perhaps, but there's the elephant in the room
5 hours ago Koizumi "Iron Butterfly" Y. says:In the beginning I had a philosophical attitude about what occurred. I expressed as much to Max in the Sisterhood thread and mentioned the risk in divulging information of such a private nature in a public forum. Still, I understood her need to pursue this. However, after time passed and she wasn't given the courtesy of redress, I popped over to Sylvia's profile and found her openly mocking the Yelp system as well as Max. This was when the shift occurred. I'm a policy person, but also a strong proponent of ethics and corporate responsibility. Allowing such a blatantly disrespectful member a continued forum was permissive. As Max waited, her hurt, anger and frustration peaked. To learn she was then removed for TOS via such a cheerfully offhanded message was simply beyond the pale, particularly when one can still click onto the original offender's profile and read what Rosie described above. To allow this despite a multitude of complaints, flags, and threads suggests Yelp is taking a rather arrogant, almost defiant posture. It is this attitude which typically causes people to stop appealing to the corporate hierarchy, and instead go directly to the money. No disrespect to Max, but this is more a matter of commanding right action.
Elite '08
5 hours ago Dane K. says:those outfits alone should be grounds for flagging her photos as inappropriate... especially that green dress.
5 hours ago Astronomer Joe ""Yelp's Handsomely Mustached Astronomer of Ulm"" .. says:This was allowed to go too far, and is more than just Max.It's a union of all Yelpers who genuinely enjoy each others company, ( for the most part ), and when one of the crew gets treated unfairly, then it is the responsibility of fair minded members to voice our disapproval.This catalyst may reach into places that rather not be recognized, but proper moderation may have nipped it. I hope this all can be remedied to the satisfaction of most, not just for Max, but for everyone else who enjoyed the Yelp experience.Joe
Elite '08
5 hours ago Jenny "Missing Max" z. says:Well stated, Joe!
4 hours ago Jassira " HowBitersweetThesePunctu ations/of flameAnd gesture" V. says:I have missed most of this drama but I always enjoyed Max's presence on Yelp. I wholeheartedly agree with Joe. I can only hope that things will work out peacefully. Saddened.
4 hours ago Izzy "when douches say douchey things" N. says:chicago yelp is so intense
Elite '08
4 hours ago Linda "We Miss Max!!!" P. says:I also agree with Joe. Things got to a point where it got messy and unfortunately Max was a casualty :(. I hope that things can be resolved so that we can continue to enjoy Yelp and the talk boards.
4 hours ago k "Whats the time on the SWATCH watch?" e. says:This is a sad day for Chicago Yelp. RIP one of its great members.I'll pull out my ouija board as well
4 hours ago Izzy "when douches say douchey things" N. says:
This post violated the Yelp Terms of Service and has been removed.
4 hours ago Mandi G. says:http://www.yelp.com/redir?url=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.yelp.com%2Fuser_details%3Fuserid%3DHuMy0kEKZTUkEjdJ1CZLSw
4 hours ago Izzy "when douches say douchey things" N. says:oh wow, thanks!
4 hours ago Mandi G. says:I'm just curious as to why it would be a TOS violation to ask who the other person being discussed in the thread is?You can easily do a member search for the profile, but like every other talk thread, someone always asks for a direct link to the info at hand.
3 hours ago Izzy "when douches say douchey things" N. says:lol wow my post was a TOS violation! Is it cuz I said dirty rat? Or asked about Sylvia? Cuz other people were asking and talking about Sylvia too anyways. Dang, Yelp is cracking down!
3 hours ago Miss Mary Ann "sunshine on my shoulders makes me happy" D. says:""to paraphrase Supreme Court Justice James Stewart when defining pornography in a case about obscenity, "integrity is hard to define, but we 'know it when we see it.""or when we don't
1 hour ago Izzy "when douches say douchey things" N. says:I've said more damning things in my reviews
10 minutes ago Xtie "White & Nerdy" G. says:I really need to clarify...Max is gone from Yelp...so fucking what. It's not that they gave her the boot that is disturbing. The REAL drama is due to:1) that Yelp HQ dismissed the heinous crime she experienced by virtue of allowing another Yelper to taunt her about it. If Max were an African American and Sylvia had called her the "N-word" or made cracks about slavery she would've been pulled in a heartbeat. Please explain to me why that negative generalization of a group of people who are descendants of THAT heinous crime is SO much more offensive than the dismissal of ANOTHER group of people (victims of rape), who have PERSONALLY EXPERIENCED a heinous crime, as liars or histrionic? After ALL Max's contribution to this site they completely abandoned her as a REAL PERSON with REAL FEELINGS.2) The way they booted her was totally classless. They could've given her fair warning, allowed her to collect her things and held the door for her. Instead they booted her out without so much as her hat and gave no good reason for it. Now they won't give her her own work product. Who's next? You? Me? (the latter is imminent, I'm certain)3) By virtue of deleting her account EVERY trace of her is gone: all posts, all PMs, all compliments... And I feel as though they have stolen something from ME.The drama isn't about MAX, people. That Max was the sacrificial lamb is a byproduct of the REAL drama here: that Yelp HQ doesn't give a flying fuck about you, what you contribute or that you are a REAL PERSON with REAL FEELINGS. By showing such blatant disrespect for Max they've show blatant disrespect for all of us.
Good evening Jeremy. Too bad you can't censor my blog? When do I get my work back? Huh? Ya fuckpuddle.
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