An actual post in the threads tonight.
Have fun kids. Have fun. Suckers.
Nighty, night J. Give me my work back. I promise to never tell anyone that you have a vagina.
your friend
Have fun kids. Have fun. Suckers.
Nighty, night J. Give me my work back. I promise to never tell anyone that you have a vagina.
your friend
Trixies gone wild. Their language is so cute.
4/24/08 Trixie Jennifer L. posts "New Zip Code" and says she is "not looking forward to the transition." She must have just figured out the stamp thing and NOW THIS!
Oh no! Not a new zip code. Oh my god, oh my god, oh my god! That is sucktastick!
I bet she's annoyed when the year changes too.
Pathetic. The boards are pathetic.
Also 4/24/08, Chaviva posts "Arby's Buy Wendy's" and says "This is sad." Isn't this the portly bore with all the weight threads? Make up you mind, big mouth.
Also 4/24/08 Kate "Shambles" G. posts she is "looking for Locations for Engagement Photos." Did photographers recently get together with vain chicks who love to have their pictures taken and make up this bullshit? Fifty per cent of these scam photos end up in the rubbish with the actual wedding photos and the marriage license. Ask any divorce lawyer. On the other hand, maybe you'll make your hometown's social page. Yelp just keeps getting more and more brainless.
4/24/08 Trixie Twaetenstein and Yelp-flunky, Andrea W. has not posted anything about her wedding next month.
sorry, twaetenstein= twatenstein
Sorry, sorry, Yelp-flunky Andrea W. has jusy posted asking if anyone knew whrer she could get a "cute" bathing suit for honeymoon in Hawaii.I was worried
No word from dumbass Jullianne at all tonight. I wonder what she had for dinner or what she thinks about the weather tonight.
DAMN SORRY! jusy=just
Step away from the computer. Pick up the phone. Call a friend.
4/24/08 Just for the record, the insufferable Andrea with father-daughter dance song question. How many more will come tonight?
For the Father/Daughter dance? We're recommending: "Having my Baby."
04/25/08 That could be a great song for Andrea and daddy. She has not mentioned her wedding tonight, but we shall see.
Jillianne is back, just in case we were wondering if she is hungry, horny or confused ny the weather. She is pathetically needy. Get out and do something, girl.
Pam P. is on tonight. What a sweet girl. I like when she gets cross at Yelpers and gives the hell like when they didn't meet her ass at the Map Room when her ankle was hurt. Wonder why nobody showed up? Is she single? I hope so. She must have jumped the Trixie Express out of Michigan(producing more Trixies than anywhere else in the world) or Ohio.
The Yelp think tank is still worried about the zip code change brought up last night by Trixie Jennifer L. It is like a bunch of chimps looking at something shiny.
someone tell bbbbbbb that she can get the perfect honeymoon bathing suit for herself at this place:
I have to ask... what does the bbbbbb stand for? Enlighten me.
Just realized I never saw this to respond to your question.
buck-toothed bleach bottle blond brainless bimbo bitch aka the kool-aid pusher.
I've just been calling her bucky the beaver. I think I prefer yours.
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