Saturday, April 19, 2008

I present Yelp with an invoice

Dear Jeremy:

I have been thinking about the time and effort I put into your business and I feel it's time to present you with a bill for my services. If I was still a yelping yelper, I would give you a discount. But a discount will not be applied to two-faced, bullshit spewing, miscreant, woman hating, sons of bitches. Sorry. No can do.

I'm going to give you the benefit of the doubt on the number of hours I worked. I wasn't punching a time clock.

The breakdown:

393 reviews I wrote for your business. We'll guesstimate the average time of one hour per review.

I am billing you at $60.00 an hour.

The total is: $23,580.00 Pay up asshole.


Alpha Bitch63 said...

That estimate is VERY low....but I'd love to be the fly on the wall when it is read by HQ!!!

Max Power B. said...

You know what Alpha? You're right.

That's what I charge grad students. He's a rich man!

So, $200 an hour seems reasonable.

Now it's $78,600. Hell, he probably spends less on his panties.

Alpha Bitch63 said...

Now you're talking!! Make it an even 80 G's, just to keep it tidy!