Monday, April 21, 2008

Max Makes Comfort Food

I'm eating good 'ol nanner pudding. The kind with nilla wafers. I cheated and used box vanilla pudding. So spank me. No, seriously, spank me. Right now I'm happy.

Now... what am I forgetting? Hmmmm. Oh yes! Good Day Jeremy. You may want to visit the doctor fella. 'Cause I figure that someone with an advanced case of syphillis, , could be such a fucking dumb ass.

May I have my work back? Did I mention NPR is now interested in this story? That's National Public Radio to you my friend.




Cookie Monster said...

Whoops, I misread that. I thought it was MPR "Max Power Radio"

Alpha Bitch63 said...

NPR?? Go gettum,honey!